Orthopaedic Surgeon
ACL Hamstring Reconstruction Surgical Rehabilitation
Phase I (Surgery to 2 weeks postoperative)
• Home exercise program will begin after surgery – 2 weeks
Rehabilitation Goals
Protection of the post-surgical knee
Range of motion: full extension – 100 degrees flexion
Normalize quad activation
Eliminate effusion
Crutches for the first 48 hours if obtained nerve block
WBAT after 48 hours
Remain in brace to protect graft
Suggested Therapeutic Exercise
Ankle pumps
Passive knee extension to zero
SLR 4 directions with brace
Knee extension 0 degrees
Quad sets
Hamstring stretches
Patellar mobilizations
Standing weight shifts/mini\squats
Cardiovascular exercise
• Upper body circuit training or upper body ergometer (UBE)
Progression Criteria
0-90 degrees range of motion
No effusion
Phase II (weeks 2-8)
• Rehabilitation appointments are 1-3 times per week
Rehabilitation Goals
Absolute control of external forces and protect graft
Nourish articular cartilage with motion
Decrease swelling
Prevent quad atrophy
WB as tolerated, discontinue crutches
Avoid hyperextension
Suggested Therapeutic Exercise
Week 2
Continue previous exercises
Multi-angle isometrics
Mini-squats 0-40 degrees
Leg Press 0-60 degrees
ROM 0-105
Proprioception training
Well leg exercises
PRE with 1 pound progression per week Week 4
ROM 0-125 degrees
Bicycle for ROM stimulus and endurance
Aquatic program if available
Eccentric quad 40-100 (isotonic only)
Closed kinetic chain exercise
Week 6
Light hamstring curls
ROM 0-125 degrees
Increase aquatic program if available
Week 8
Increase PRE exercise program
Cardiovascular exercise
Upper body circuit training or UBE
Week 4: Stair climber, elliptical
Progression Criteria
Normal gait on level surface
Good leg control without extensor lag, pain, or apprehension
Phase III (10-16 weeks post-operatively)
• Rehabilitation appointments are once every 1-2 weeks
Rehabilitation Goals
Maximal strengthening for quads/lower extremity
Protect patellofemoral joint
Avoid impact activities
Continue to protect graft
Protect patellofemoral joint
Suggested Therapeutic exercises
Week 10
All previous exercises
Lateral step ups
Calf raises
Wall squats
Pool running
Continue PRE with no weight restrictions
Week 12
All previous exercises
Isokinetic test (180/300 degrees per second 10-15 rep)
Cardiovascular exercise
• Aqua jogging, stair master, bicycle, UBE
Criteria for Progression
Dynamic neuromuscular control with multi-plane activities without pain or swelling
ROM 0-125 degrees
Quad strength 70% of contralateral side, knee flexor extensor
rated 70-79%
Minimal effusion
Satisfactory clinic exam
Phase IV (4-5 months)
Rehabilitation appointments are once every week
Rehabilitation Goals
Development of strength, power, and endurance
Begin gradual return to functional activities
• No active reactive swelling or joint pain that lasts more than 12 hours
Suggested Therapeutic exercises
All previous exercises as appropriate
Eccentric quad work
Initiate plyometric program
Initiate running program
Sport specific training and drills
High speed isokinetic training
Isokinetic testing 180/300 degrees/second 10/15 reps
Cardiovascular exercise
Criteria for running
Isokinetic test 85 % of opposite quad; 90% opposite hamstring
Isokinetic test- quad torque/body weight 60% males and 50%
No pain/swelling
Satisfactory clinical exam
Functional drills:
Straight line running
Jog to run
Walk to run
Progression/ return to sport
Dynamic neuromuscular control with multi-plane activities, without pain, instability or swelling
Physician and rehabilitation specialist approval
Phase V (6-7 months)
• Rehabilitation appointments are once every week
Rehabilitation Goals
Achieve maximal strength and endurance
Return to sport/work activities
• No active reactive swelling or joint pain that lasts more than 12 hours
Suggested Therapeutic exercises
Knee extensions
Wall squats
Leg press
Hamstring curls
Calf raises
Hip abduction
Hip adduction
High speed hamstrings
High speed hip flexion/extension
Balance drills
Backwards running
Cardiovascular exercise
Stair climber/elliptical
Isokinetic test if available
Functional test
Isokinetic test if available
Functional test