Orthopaedic Surgeon
Multiligament Knee Reconstruction Surgical Rehabilitation
Phase I (Surgery to 2 weeks postoperative)
• Home exercise program will begin immediately after surgery
Rehabilitation Goals
Protection of the post-surgical knee
Range of motion: full extension – 90 degrees flexion under the
guidance of PT
Normalize quad activation
Eliminate effusion
NWB or TTWB for 2 weeks
Remain in brace to protect graft locked in extension for
Suggested Therapeutic Exercise
Ankle pumps
Passive knee extension to zero
SLR 4 directions with brace
Short arc quads (60 deg to 30 deg) with Neuromuscular
Electrical Stimulation (NMES)
Quad sets
Hamstring stretches
Patellar mobilizations
Cardiovascular exercise
• Upper body circuit training or upper body ergometer (UBE)
Progression Criteria
0-90 degrees range of motion
Minimal effusion
Phase II (weeks 2-6)
Rehabilitation appointments are 2-3 times per week
Rehabilitation Goals
Absolute control of external forces and protect graft
Nourish articular cartilage with motion
Decrease swelling
Prevent quad atrophy
TTWB as tolerated
Avoid hyperextension
Suggested Therapeutic Exercise
Week 2
Ankle pumps
Passive knee extension to zero
SLR 4 directions with brace
Short arc quads (60 deg to 30 deg) with NMES
Quad sets
Hamstring stretches
Patellar mobilizations
Cardiovascular exercise
Upper body circuit training or UBE
Week 4: Stair climber, elliptical
Progression Criteria
Normal gait on level surface
Good leg control without extensor lag, pain, or apprehension
Phase III (weeks >7 to 12 months)
Rehabilitation appointments are 1-3 times per week
Rehabilitation Goals
Absolute control of external forces and protect graft
Nourish articular cartilage with motion
Decrease swelling
Prevent quad atrophy
AROM goals: 0-110 degrees by week 11; full by month 3-4
WBAT as tolerated
Avoid hyperextension
Suggested Therapeutic Exercise
Ankle pumps
Passive knee extension to zero
SLR 4 directions with brace
Short arc quads (60 deg to 30 deg) with NMES
Quad sets
Hamstring stretches
Patellar mobilizations
Stationary bicycle (starting at 5 weeks post-op)
Continue quad sets, straight leg raises, and short arc quads
with NMES as needed
Add OKC flexion (hamstring curls with low or no weight) at 8
Add quadriceps stretching at 3 months; add ITB stretching at 3
months (not for LCL/PCL reconstructions)
Add partial CKC squats (Total Gym) at week 6; 10-40 degrees;
may progress to 0-70 deg at month 3
Also at month 3, begin balance retraining
Running may be added at 6 months; cutting may be added at 8
• Return to full activity may occur at 12 months post-op if the knee shows no signs of instability
Cardiovascular exercise
Upper body circuit training or UBE
Week 4: Stair climber, elliptical
Progression Criteria
Normal gait on level surface
Good leg control without extensor lag, pain, or apprehension
Critical checkpoints: No patellofemoral s/s (by week 11), No
quad avoid/hypertext/varus thrust (by 3-4 months), no
instability (by 5 months)
Return to full activity may occur at 12 months post-op if the
knee shows no signs of instability