Orthopaedic Surgeon
Meniscal Repair Surgical Rehabilitation
Progression to the next phase based on Clinical Criteria and/or Time Frames as
Key Factors in determining progression of rehabilitation after Meniscal repair include:
Anatomic site of tear
Suture fixation (failure can be caused by too vigorous rehabilitation)
Location of tear (anterior or posterior)
Other pathology (ligamentous injury)
Phase I –Maximum Protection- Weeks 1-6: Goals:
Diminish inflammation and swelling
Restore ROM
Reestablish quadriceps muscle activity
Stage 1: Immediate Postoperative Day 1- Week 3
Ice, compression, elevation
Electrical muscle stimulation
Brace locked at 0 degrees
ROM 0-90
o Motion is limited for the first 7-21 days, depending on the development of scar tissue around the repair site. Gradual increase in flexion ROM is based on assessment of pain and site of repair (0-90 degrees).
Patellar mobilization
Scar tissue mobilization
Passive ROM
o Quadriceps isometrics
o Hamstring isometrics (if posterior horn repair, no hamstring exercises for 6weeks)
o Hip abduction and adduction
• Weight-bearing as tolerated with crutches and brace locked at 0 degrees
• Proprioception training with brace locked at 0 degrees
Stage 2: Weeks 4-6
Progressive resistance exercises (PREs) 1-5 pounds.
Limited range knee extension (in range less likely to impinge or pull on repair)
Toe raises
Mini-squats - less than 90 degrees flexion
Cycling (no resistance)
PNF with resistance
Unloaded flexibility exercises
Phase II: Moderate Protection- Weeks 6-10
Criteria for progression to phase II:
ROM 0-90 degrees
No change in pain or effusion
Quadriceps control (MMT 4/5)
Increased strength, power, endurance
Normalize ROM of knee
Prepare patients for advanced exercises
Strength progression
Flexibility exercises
Lateral step-ups
Endurance Program:
Swimming (no frog kick), pool running- if available
Stair machine
Coordination Program:
Balance board
Pool sprinting- if pool available
Backward walking
Phase III: Advanced Phase- Weeks 11-15
Criteria for progression to phase III:
Full, pain free ROM
No pain or tenderness
Satisfactory clinical examination
SLR without lag
Gait without device, brace unlocked
Increase power and endurance
Emphasize return to skill activities
Prepare for return to full unrestricted activities
Continue all exercises
Increase plyometrics, pool program
Initiate running program
Return to Activity: Criteria
Full, pain free ROM
Satisfactory clinical examination
Criteria for discharge from skilled therapy: 1) Non-antalgic gait
2) Pain free /full ROM
3) LE strength at least 4/5
4) Independent with home program
5) Normal age appropriate balance and proprioception 6) Resolved palpable edema