Orthopaedic Surgeon
Osteochondral Graft Transplant Surgical Rehabilitation (OATS)
Phase I (0 - 6 weeks)
Home exercise program will begin after surgery
2-3xwk or as designated by rehabilitation specialist
Rehabilitation Goals
Protection of healing tissue from load and shear forces
Decrease pain and effusion
Restoration of full passive knee extension
Gradual improvement of normal knee flexion
Regaining quadriceps control and patella mobility
Brace/Weight bearing
Locked in extension
Sleep in locked brace
Non-weight bearing
Suggested Therapeutic Exercise
Immediate motion exercises, full passive knee extension
CPM 4-6 hours per day 0-40 degrees, increase by 5-10 degrees
per day as tolerated
Range of motion goals: 90 degrees by 2 weeks and 115 by four
weeks and 125 by six weeks
Patellar and soft tissue mobilization
Hamstring, calf, and quadriceps stretching
Ankle pumps, quad sets, multi-angle isometrics, active knee
extension 90-40 degrees, SLR 4 directions, stationary bike, biofeedback and EMS,
Cardiovascular exercise
• Upper body circuit training or upper body ergometer (UBE)
Progression Criteria
• Progress two weeks post-operatively
Phase II (6-12 weeks)
Rehabilitation appointments are 1-3 times per week
Rehabilitation Goals
Gradually increase ROM and WB to full
Gradually improve quadriceps strength/endurance
Brace/Weight Bearing Status
Discontinue use of brace
Progress weight bearing as tolerated by increasing 25%/week
until full WB
• Discontinue crutches at 12 weeks
Suggested Therapeutic Exercise
Range of motion: 125-135 degrees
Continue patellar mobilization and soft tissue mobilization as
Continue stretching program
Week 6: initiate weight shifts
Week 8: Initiate mini-squats 0-45 degrees, closed chain
Week 10: toe-calf raises, open kinetic chain knee extension,
stationary bike, balance and proprioception, front and lateral step ups, continue biofeedback and EMS,
Cardiovascular exercise
• Upper body circuit training or UBE, bike as range of motion allows
Progression Criteria
Full range of motion
Acceptable strength level, quadriceps within 15% of
contralateral leg and hamstrings within 10% of contralateral
Balance testing within 30% and single leg balance >15 seconds
Able to bike for 30 minutes
Phase III (3-6 months post-operatively)
Rehabilitation appointments are once every 1-2 weeks
Rehabilitation Goals
Improve muscular strength and endurance
Increase functional activities
Avoid post-activity swelling
Post activity soreness should resolve after 24 hours
Avoid pain with knee strengthening activities
Suggested Therapeutic exercises
Range of motion: no restrictions – obtain full motion
Leg press 0-90 degrees, Bilateral squats 0-60 degrees
Unilateral step-ups progressing from 2-8”step
Forward lunges
Walking on treadmill
Open kinetic chain extension 0-90 degrees
Cardiovascular exercise
• Upper body circuit training or UBE, non-impact lower body exercises including bike, elliptical, swimming, stair climber
Progression criteria
Full non painful ROM
Strength within 90%
Balance and/or stability within 75%
No pain, inflammation or swelling
Phase IV (6 months post-operative)
Rehabilitation appointments are once every week
Rehabilitation Goals
Proprioceptive and muscular control with work and sport specific activities
Post activity soreness should resolve in 24 hours
Avoid post activity swelling
Avoid knee pain with higher impact activities
Suggested Therapeutic exercises
Continue maintenance program progression 3-4x/wk.
Progress resistance as tolerated
Emphasis on entire lower extremity with strength and
Progress agility and balance drills
Impact loading program should be specialized to the patient’s
Progress sport/work program
Cardiovascular exercise
• Replicate sport/work
Return to sport/work criteria
• Patient may return to various sport activities as progression in rehabilitation and cartilage healing allows. Generally, low impact sports such as skating, rollerblading, and cycling are permitted at about 8 months. Higher impact sports such as jogging, running, and aerobics may be performed at 8-10 months. High impact sports such as tennis, basketball, soccer and baseball are allowed at 10-12 months.