Orthopaedic Surgeon
Patella Dislocation Stabilization Surgery Rehabilitation (MPFL)
Phase I (0-6 weeks)
Home exercise program will begin after surgery – 2 weeks
1-3x/wk. from 2-6 wks.
Rehabilitation Goals
Protection of the post-surgical knee
Restore normal knee range of motion.
Normalize gait.
Incisions healed and effusion decreased.
Restore leg control.
Brace locked in extension for gait and activities of daily living.
Crutches for gait as needed with brace on, weight bearing as
Range of motion limited to 0-90 degrees.
Suggested Therapeutic Exercise
Quadriceps sets.
SLR 4 way with brace.
Ankle pumps.
Ankle isotonic exercises.
Continuous Passive Motion Device as tolerated 0-90 degrees,
advance as tolerated within this range.
Cardiovascular exercise
• Upper body circuit training or upper body ergometer (UBE).
Progression Criteria
• Postoperative 6 weeks.
Phase II (weeks 6-12)
• Rehabilitation appointments are 1-3 times per week.
Rehabilitation Goals
Single leg stand control.
Good control and no pain with short arc functional
Good quad control.
Normalize gait brace unlocked.
• Avoid over stressing fixation: begin movement control and gentle strengthening with closed chain movement in a shallow arc of motion and by using non-weighted techniques.
• Avoid post activity swelling.
Suggested Therapeutic Exercise
Gait drills.
Functional single plane closed chain movements.
Continued gradual progress of range of motion.
Gradual progress of lower extremity strengthening with
precautions to avoid dynamic valgus or medial knee
Balance and proprioception exercises.
CPM as needed.
Cardiovascular exercise
• Upper body circuit training or UBE.
Progression Criteria
Normal gait on level surfaces.
Good leg control without extensor lag, pain or apprehension.
Single leg balance greater than 15 seconds.
At least 12 weeks postoperative.
Phase III (week 12-16)
• Rehabilitation appointments 1-3xwk.
Rehabilitation Goals
Full range of motion.
No effusion.
Improve quadriceps strength.
Improve proximal hip and core strength.
Improve balance and proprioception.
Avoid closed chain exercises past 90 degrees of flexion to avoid overstressing the repaired tissues and increased patellofemoral forces.
Avoid post-activity swelling.
Suggested Therapeutic exercises
Continue range of motion exercises and stationary bike.
Closed chain strengthening begin with single plan with
progression to multi-plane.
Single leg press.
Balance and proprioception exercises.
Hip and core strengthening and stretching.
Initiate low amplitude agility drill in the sagittal plane, avoid
frontal and transverse initially due to potential for dynamic valgus.
Cardiovascular exercise
Swimming with flutter kick, stair stepper.
Progression Criteria
Full range of motion.
No effusion.
No patellar apprehension.
Single leg balance with 30 degrees of flexion greater than 15
Good control and no pain with squats and lunges.
Phase IV (months 4-6)
• Rehabilitation appointments 1-3xwk.
Rehabilitation Goals
• Good eccentric and concentric multi-plane dynamic. neuromuscular control (including impact) to all for return to work/sports.
Post activity soreness should resolve within 24 hours.
Avoid post-activity swelling and pain.
Suggested Therapeutic exercises
Impact control exercises with progression from 2 feet to 1.
Movement control exercises with progression.
Progression to multi-planar agility drills with progressive.
increase in velocity and amplitude.
Sport/work specific balance and proprioceptive drills.
Hip and core strengthening.
Stretching for patient specific muscle imbalances.
Cardiovascular exercise
• Replicate sport or work specific energy demands.
Return to work/sport
Dynamic neuromuscular control with multi-plane activities and without pain, instability or swelling.
Approval from the physician and/or sports rehabilitation provider.