Orthopaedic Surgeon
Lateral Ankle Instability Surgical Rehabilitation (Brostrom Gould)
Phase I (0-6 weeks)
Home exercise program will begin after surgery
1-3x/wk. from 2-6 wks.
Rehabilitation Goals
Edema control/reduction
Protect healing tissue, foot is placed in neutral in short leg cast
Independent transfers and ambulation, non-weight bearing on
involved lower extremity with use of optimal ambulatory assistive device.
• Non weight bearing until the first visit following surgery with the surgeon, then toe touch weight bearing in boot or cast
Suggested Therapeutic Exercise
Proximal LE, Upper extremity, and core muscle strengthening
Transfer and gait training
Abdominal strengthening
Cardiovascular exercise
• Upper body circuit training or upper body ergometer (UBE)
Progression Criteria
Decrease pain
Decreased edema
Independence with HEP
Independence with transfers and ambulation NWB on involved
lower extremity
Phase II (weeks 6-8)
• Rehabilitation appointments are 1-3 times per week
Rehabilitation Goals
Protect healing tissue. To protect the CFL from inversion and the ATFL from plantarflexion, the ankle is kept in a cast set in neutral for 6 weeks and then transitioned to a pneumatic walking boot
Progressive protected normalization of gait: after the initial 6 week immobilization period, progressive weight bearing is initiated as tolerated, first with the involved ankle in a pneumatic walking boot and then transitioned to protected ankle weight bearing in a semi-rigid ankle stirrup orthotic
Edema control and pain reduction
Prevention of deconditioning
• Prevention of scar adhesions and myofascial restriction
No passive, active assisted or active inversion exercises
No active assisted or passive stretching into plantarflexion
Avoid standing or walking for extended periods of time
Suggested Therapeutic Exercise
Progressive weight baring as tolerated
Edema control with use of modalities
Joint mobilizations avoid tensioning of the CFL and ATFL
Stretches for gastrocnemius and soleus
Submaximal isometrics (except inversion)
Proprioception with activities involving bilateral stance
Soft tissue mobilization as indicated
Cardiovascular exercise
• Cross training, UBE, aquatics
Progression Criteria
Normalized gait without pain, with involved ankle protected in semi-rigid ankle stirrup, with or without appropriate assistive ambulatory device
Pain free eversion against gravity
Phase III (week 8-12 weeks)
• Rehabilitation appointments 1-3xwk
Rehabilitation Goals
Restoring full ROM
No edema
Normalized, pain free gait on all surfaces
5/5 strength of all muscle groups
No jumping, hipping or sports
ASO or semi-rigid brace to protect repair outside of therapy
Suggested Therapeutic exercises
Ankle AROM in all planes of motion, BAPS board
Gait training on level and inconsistent surfaces
Mobilization as indicated
Proprioceptive activities
Strengthening: foot intrinsic, progressive resisted ankle
exercises in all planes, core stabilization, bilateral heel raises
Week 10: progress to closed and open chain exercises,
unilateral eccentric heel raises, rhythmic stabilization
Week 11: plyometric with bilateral and unilateral jumps
Cardiovascular exercise
• Stair stepper, elliptical, treadmill, and climber
Progression Criteria
Full active and passive ROM
No residual edema or pain
Normalized gait without assistance on all surfaces
Phase IV (week 12-16)
• Rehabilitation appointments 1-3xwk
Rehabilitation Goals
Patient to demonstrate stability with higher velocity movements and change of direction movements that replicate sport specific patterns
No apprehension or instability with high velocity change of direction movements
Improve core and hip strength as well as mobility to eliminate any compensatory stresses to the ankle
Cardiovascular endurance for specific sport or work demands.
Continue to use brace during sports for 6 months
Patient to be independent with activity progression and or
Suggested Therapeutic exercises
Initiate jogging with progression to running
Strengthening- increase workload, resistance and intensity in
progressive resisted exercises
Return to activity testing
Cardiovascular exercise
• Design to use sport specific energy systems
Return to work/sport
• Patient may return to sport after receiving clearance from the orthopedic surgeon and the physical therapist/athletic trainer .